8 March 2024 - UbiPharm committed to Women's Rights 01 | 01

Posted on March 11, 2024

8 March 2024
UbiPharm committed to Women's Rights

On 8 March, UbiPharm subsidiaries got together to celebrate International Women's Rights Day.

The UbiPharm Group responded brilliantly to the call for International Women's Rights Day on 8 March 2024, highlighting this year's inspiring theme: ‘Investing in women: accelerating the pace.’

Subsidiaries in countries where UbiPharm operates demonstrated their commitment to gender equality and inclusion by organising various events. To name but a few:

Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

Among others, women from the Group's Togolese subsidiary took part in an enriching training course entitled ‘Optimising your impact at work: PNR tools and practices with a focus on inheritance law’. The aim of this initiative was to strengthen the participants' professional skills while raising their awareness of the crucial aspects of inheritance law.

All the gatherings that took place created a space for exchange and learning

allowing women to connect and inspire each other.